Vol. 18 (2021): Estudios de Epistemología N° 18

Naturalizing intelligence: The pragmatic epistemology by William James and John Dewey

Manuel Novillo
Universidad Nacional de Tucumán - CONICET
Estudios de Epistemología Vol. 18 2021

Published 2021-12-01


  • Epistemology, Pragmatism, William James, John Dewey, Naturalization, Knowledge, Truth.

How to Cite

Novillo, M. (2021). Naturalizing intelligence: The pragmatic epistemology by William James and John Dewey. Estudios De Epistemología, 18, 43–51. Retrieved from https://estudiosepistemologia.ct.unt.edu.ar/article/view/203


This paper examines the epistemological tenets of pragmatism as espoused by William James and John Dewey. The primary argument is the concept of naturalizing intelligence, understanding knowledge not as a metaphysical process but as a practical activity intrinsic to human life. The paper critiques the skepticism of modernity and presents a conception of knowledge as a continuous extension of human experience. Furthermore, it highlights how truth is understood as a process that is constructed in interaction with reality, being validated to the extent that ideas function in a practical way in everyday life.